Hi there,
I'm Kylie

and i Can't wait to meet you

Remedial Massage Therapist

qualifications & certifications
  • Diploma Beauty Therapy

  • Diploma of Remedial Massage
  • Advanced Dry Needling Certification
  • Allied Health Assistant Certification
  • Massage and Myotherapy Association member

Kylie has always had a strong desire to help people heal. She initially started her journey in beauty therapy in 2006, where she gained basic massage skills. However, she felt the need to expand her knowledge and abilities in order to provide more effective pain reduction and increased mobility for her clients.

As a result, she pursued a diploma of remedial massage in 2014. Throughout her career, she has worked in various clinics across Australia, constantly learning from experienced practitioners and adding new techniques to her repertoire. She has acquired advanced skills in dry needling, cupping, and myofascial techniques.

Driven by her thirst for knowledge and her determination to alleviate pain, she furthered her studies and completed a certificate IV in allied health assisting in 2022, specializing in Physiotherapy.


Fun facts about Kylie

She loves to be in the sun and any water based activity

She has lived in every state in Australia as well as over seas

She loves to bake, craft and pain pour (I love messy craft)