Aerobic Exercise

By Sarah Mengel l Accredited Exercise Physiologist
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Aerobic exercise, also known as endurance exercise, is any type of physical activity that you can sustain for more than 3 minutes (Gastin, 2001). This allows the body to switch energy systems and target the oxidative system. This system primarily uses oxygen as it’s source of energy to fuel the muscles. This type of exercise is designed to build cardiorespiratory fitness.

Tell tail signs that you are performing aerobic activity if your breathing and heart rate has increased. Generally speaking, the intensity of exercise typically associated with aerobic exercise is moderate intensity. Moderate intensity is where you are able to perform exercise and still hold small conversation but you are unable to sing. If you can sing during the exercise, then you are just under the moderate intensity threshold.

Examples of Aerobic Exercises:

• Walking

• 1500m+ runs

• Middle distance swimming

Benefits of Regular Aerobic Exercise:

• Reduces the risk of chronic disease

• Decreases blood pressure

• Reduces risk of some cancers

• Alleviates symptoms of depression

• Improves symptoms of arthritis

• Improves cholesterol levels

• Improves glucose tolerance and reduces insulin resistance