
By Sarah Mengel l Accredited Exercise Physiologist
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Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones lose their bone mineral density becoming brittle and more prone to fracture.  As we age, bone building cells called osteoblasts struggle to keep up with the demand of producing new bone.  This deficiency in bone production means that we are unable to effectively replace old bone.

Osteoporosis is known as the silent disease because often times, there are no symptoms until a fracture occurs. 

Bone mineral density scans are used to diagnose this condition. The table below shows the values of a “normal” bone, an “osteopaenic” bone and an “osteoporotic” bone.


So how can exercise help?

By following the guidelines, it is possible to increase our bone mineral density and change from being osteoporotic to osteopaenic and also to a normal range. However, maintenance is key when it comes to this condition. While it is reversible, it is possible to lapse back into the osteoporotic category.  
