I’m Retired, Why Do I Need To See An Occupational Therapist?

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We get this question a lot, or similarly, “I already have a job, I don’t need an OT”. While employment is also an occupation, it’s not typically the type of occupation we mean.

What is an Occupational Therapist?

Occupational Therapists work with individuals from all ages and all walks of life, and what we do differs. To sum it up, our main goal is to support our clients to engage in tasks that are meaningful to them, which makes each session as unique as the client in it. For us at MET Phys, we mainly work with clients who are young, NDIS participants, or accessing My Aged Care.

What you can get from an Occupational Therapist?

With our young clients, our aim is generally to support them to reach milestones and manage their emotions so that they are better set up for success as they grow older. With our NDIS participants, the goals often vary, and can include support for money management, engaging in life activities such as showering, dressing, cooking, or grocery shopping, equipment prescription, and yes, even applying for and gaining employment. With our My Aged Care clients, our role is typically around prescribing equipment such as wheelchairs, four wheeled walkers, and other assistive devices to make it easier for them to complete activities that are meaningful to them.

Contact an Occupational Therapist Now!

We also work with builders to do home modifications, which can be as simple as adding grab rails to a shower, or as complex as making a bathroom or kitchen wheelchair accessible. So yes, you absolutely might be retired, or you might already have a job and still need an Occupational Therapist; it just depends on what goals you want to achieve. If you would like more information, please contact us at MET Phys on 0745 993 165.