This week is Diabetes Week! It runs from the 12th – 18th of July and the focus is on supporting the emotional and mental health of people living with diabetes.
The research shows that managing the daily challenges of diabetes can lead to anxiety, distress, and depression for one in three people living with the condition. We love to focus even more on our foot health for our diabetics as in Australia every year there are 10,000 hospital admissions for diabetes-related foot ulcers. Many of these result in having a limb or part of a limb amputated. Over 5 years a diabetes-related amputation costs the health system almost $50, 000 and doesn’t include social costs. The research shows that it is possible to reduce preventable amputations and hospitalizations by as much between 24-90% and around 85% of amputations are preventable if wounds are detected early and managed appropriately.
To shine a light on diabetes at MET Phys we are brightening up the clinic with some groovy socks this week! It not only gives us some groovy happiness endorphins because of the bright colors on our feet but also gets people talking about diabetes, mental health, and foot health.
We want to take this opportunity to highlight the services available to diabetics in our community, particularly type 2 diabetes. At MET Phys we regularly run group sessions for Type 2 Diabetics to decrease BGLs, improve mood, and encourage exercise adherence in a supportive environment. This session is open to any Type 2 Diabetics but you may also be eligible for a Type 2 Diabetic Group Referral through your local GP.
Our Top 3 Tips to Diabetics to Help Improve Their Health:
- Exercise in the morning
- Lower-impact exercise is better for diabetics with peripheral neuropathy
- Do movement that you love and get the heart rate up